CSPH International provides support for its clients by:
Working actively with the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals, especially in: Trade; Competition; Culture; Employment and Social Affairs; Energy; Environment; Internal Market; Information Society.
Covering the main political powers within the European Parliament – Conservatives, Social Democrats, Liberals and Greens – as well as the biggest permanent national representations: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK.
Contributing actively to the business of the parliamentary commissions by working continuously alongside parliamentarians (MEPs) on each of the subjects.
Compiling notes for clients with precise information on key arguments and the tone of discussions.
Recommending and conducting economic studies when necessary.
Actively seeking to cooperate with labour unions, to identify potential points of convergence on all affairs that help make the voice of social partners heard by European Parliamentarians (MEPs).
Facilitating the creation of coalitions that bring together labour unions and professional organisations whenever possible, to strengthen the voice of the social partners.
Constantly engaging in dialogue with consumer associations and non-governmental organisations (NGO).
Several factors are necessary to be effective in public affairs:
It is better to deal with few subjects, but in depth
This is precisely CSPH International’s approach.
It is vital, whenever possible, to build bridges between expertise in communications and labour relations
In order to bolster the effectiveness of public affairs strategies. In particular, it is important to make the voice of the social partner heard, by getting labour unions and employer organisations to work together towards targeted, convergent objectives.
Be present in Europe, but also in North America, because:
The United States and Europe are living at the same pace and must deal with the same issues, sometimes with a certain divergence over the course of time that nourishes reflection and operational experience feedback. It is thus essential to be present on both sides of the Atlantic, in order to be one jump ahead and anticipate underlying trends shaping the emergence of future public policies.
Major international corporations reason globally, and consulting firms specialising in public affairs cannot afford to limit themselves to a partial vision of corporate challenges.
Influence that is exerted must be credible, and requires a powerful capacity to delve into a few specific themes:
CSPH International specialises in questions of intellectual property, audio-visual and digital policy, competition, and energy and climate change. All of these subjects are at the heart of the political and media agenda. These are the fields of intervention that the consulting firm monitors daily for its clients.
CSPH International provides quality reflection, thanks to its capacity to conduct economic studies in partnership with the leading universities to enlighten the debates dealing with:
CSPH International has deliberately structured its powers of influence in Europe around the strategic and decisive role now played by the European Parliament, by bringing together those concerned by both employment and growth.