Having trained as an economist, Philippe Hardouin specialises in management, communication, public affairs and labour relations. He assists major international groups and their leaders in the management of their reputation, image and influence in Europe and internationally.
With no less than 25 years of experience in French and American multi-national companies – from Thomson to Alcatel, Digital Equipment (DEC), AlliedSignal, Honeywell, Vivendi and Lafarge – he has held numerous executive positions in management, communication, public affairs and labour relations.
Through his professional career with global corporations, Philippe Hardouin has accumulated considerable international experience in public affairs, human resources and labour relations, as well as in financial reporting, crisis management, brand and reputation strategies and sustainable development.
At the beginning of his career, he directed a publishing house specialising in literature and the social and human sciences. He was one of the very first advocates of fixed prices for books. He was also the chairman of the association of communication directors in France.